
An Idea (whatever)

I'm just about to do something crazy. Like...
  1. Go to China as a back-packer (a little unrealistic)
  2. Dance naked in the rain (not that there's any outside)
  3. Get drunk till I'm so sick I can't even move (however, I'm rather short of money)
  4. Write a book (but there's nothing to write about - except for my personal misery)
  5. Get drunk with ***** and have sex with him (a tempting but unrealistic idea)
  6. Dance dressed in the rain (it wouldn't be much fun dancing alone)
  7. Dance dressed with ***** even if it doesn't rain (why are there moments I can't stop thinking about him?)
  8. Dance dressed with my boyfriend in the middle of the night on the main square (he's not enough crazy for that now that he doesn't smoke pot any more)
  9. Learn to play billiard (I would have to be very drunk for that - and see point 3)
  10. Get married (and there's already someone who would like to marry me - but that's a really really stupid idea)

But I will just listen to Coldplay and sink into the cynical mood I'm already in.

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