

I really don't know how to act in the light of the newest information I have. It's all becoming more dreadful than I'd ever expected.
In this state I can't help myself asking the oldest question of the world: "WHY?"
And what's more, I've realized that what I know is only the top of a very very huge iceberg.
My father is not only a lunatic (= completely mad) but he's also a liar (I think these two facts must be somehow connected).
He's the most selfish, aggressive, stupid, annoying, deceitful... (I think that I could continue without end... And there's no language with such broad vocabulary it would be able to explain how I feel about him.)... FUCKING (can I use it in this sense?) "human" (?) being I've ever met.
And if you believe in destiny, he's even a future murderer? (No, no, no, please, God, don't let him...)
I've stopped believing there's anything good about this life.

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