

Today I've had the last lesson of Chinese with my Chinese lecturer Peng Yan. I'll miss her... But as she said: "hou hui you qi" (后会有期)...
Now I'm listening to some Chinese music she gave me and I must say that Chinese music isn't much different from the "western" one (except for the language, of course). Maybe just... A Chinese song always tells a story (about love usually). I found out that it's not that common in "our" songs... They don't tell any story, they even don't describe any feelings I could translate for Peng Yan. Just "pictures"... Well, and western music is not so sweet:o). Although there are some exceptions on both sides.

And now why I started writing about Chinese... I feel that it is now one of the most important elements of my life... When I concentrate on learning, on correct Chinese pronunciation, I forget all about my life... I have to devote myself completely to Chinese... It's a kind of therapy. And what's more, I have a new "dream" (I put this into inverted commas as one of the biggest problems in my life is that I don't have any dreams - this drives my psychologist mad:o) ) - and that is to go to China (I hope it'll be possible once I am at the university where I'm going to study Chinese)... Do you think there is a better way of escaping your present life than to move (at least for a while) to a place which is a few thousand kilometres away?

And there is another reason why I've decided to learn Chinese... There is a beautiful parallel to that reason in Star Wars I (not that I've seen the film but it's at the end of my Chinese textbook:o) ):

Anakin, training to be a Jedi will not be an easy challenge.
And if you succeed, it will be a hard life.
But it's what I want. What I've always dreamed about.

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