

I just hate nights. And what I hate even more is the strange mood I'm falling into again, like almost every night... The only thing I want just now is to get rid of Facebook, icq and just every form of social contact on the internet and never ever get online again. I know it isn't possible and I know it wouldn't last long, but at least I'd listen to the impulsive part of me.
How to erase the past when there's so much evidence? When each and every word you've ever used is written down somewhere on the net? Why am I not able to reconcile with what had happened before this very moment? Why do I still want to hurt myself or other people? Why do I feel just like another stage in a process of someone's life? Why do I feel like another in a line? Someone who can be replaced just as easily as they've come? Why do I keep assuring myself there was someone who meant something more than me in the past? Why do I need this theory to torment myself?

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